Meetings and events
1. Coming meetings and other events:
The next meeting week of TC304 will be in the ETSI Head Quarters, Sophia Antipolis in Southern France in the week starting 8th of May 2000 (16th plenary of TC304). The next meeting after that has a tentative date in the week starting 23 October 2000 in Brussels (17th plenary of TC304). The tentative date of the 18th plenary will be first week of June 2001 (Helsinki is being investigated).
2. Meetings:
Brussels 18-22 October 2019
TC in Tübingen, 19-23 April 2019
TC in Brussels, 23-26 November 2018
CEN/ISSS Workshops 11-12 June 2018
TC in Reykjavík, 8-10 June 2018
TC in Brussel 2-4 February 2018
TC and all WGs in Dublin, 29 Sept – 3 Oct 2017
WG1-2-3 in Crete, Greece 5-11 July 2017
TC and all WGs in London, 27-31 January 2017
WG1 and WG2 in Vienna, 11-14 September 2016
WG3 and WG4 in Dublin, 10-11 October 1996
Workshop on the implementation of UCS in Bled, 11-12 November 2016
Copenhagen, 27 April – 2 May 2016
Barcelona 27 Nov – 1 Dec 2015